Madison County
This Handbook is designed to acquaint you with Madison County and provide you with information about working conditions, employee benefits, and some of the policies affecting your employment. You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all provisions of the Handbook. It describes many of your responsibilities and outlines the programs developed by Madison County to benefit employees.

Employee Wellness Screenings
In an effort to help our employees become healthier, and to identify areas where they may be at risk, the LGHIB established the Worksite Wellness Program. Madison County offers free screenings at worksite locations during the year, or LGHIP participants may go to a participating pharmacy.
Beneficiary Designation
It’s easy to ensure that your beneficiary information is current and accurate. Doing so can help prevent a delay in the transfer of funds to your account. Having named beneficiaries can eliminate the probate process and help ensure that your assets will be distributed as you intended. Update your beneficiary any time, especially after any major life change (such as: marriage, birth or adoption of a child, divorce, death of a named beneficiary, and more).
Lincoln Financial
All full-time employees should be sure their Lincoln Beneficiaries are up-to-date, since the County-provided life insurance is through Lincoln.
If you have Lincoln Voluntary Life Insurance in addition to the County-provided life insurance, the same form is used to update that, too!
Click the button below to access the form and fill it out. Be sure to sign it and return to HR.
If you have a Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation retirement plan, you can change your beneficiaries online, or by downloading the paper form, returning it to HR, or mailing it to Nationwide.
To update beneficiaries, you can log-in to the Nationwide portal, or
Click the button below to access the paper form and fill it out.
All employees have an ERS retirement account which is the pension retirement plan that each employee contributes towards.
Click the button below to update your beneficiaries for this ERS account.
If you have an RSA-1 457b Deferred compensation retirement plan, it utilizes a different form, linked below.
With both ERS and RSA-1 forms, you must return the signed copy to HR.

SpeakUP! Tool
This reporting system is a confidential and anonymous solution that provides an opportunity for Madison County employees to report discrimination, harassment, and any activity that violates Madison County policies or Code of Conduct. We encourage you to provide as much information as possible to aid us in our investigation. All reports are important and will be investigated thoroughly.
Speak Up! is not a 911 or emergency service. Please contact your local emergency services if you need to report a critical situation that requires the immediate attention of emergency services.
Secure Document
Forms and required documentation can be securely submitted to Madison County HR using the Secure Document Uploader below.
If this is time-sensitive document or form, please use the uploader tool below to ensure prompt delivery. Please do not email documents containing personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) for security purposes.